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نظم : اجنبی دیار میں

حیات رنگ جزیروں کو چھوڑ کر اے دوست
نہ جانے کونسی بستی میں آ گیا ہوں میں

ںہ دلبروں کی ادائیں نہ التفات جمال
نہ اختیار تبسم نہ اعتبار خیال

نہیں قریب کوئی دور بھی نہیں کوئی
عیاں نہیں ہے تو مستور بھی نہیں کوئی

شعور عرض تمنا خیال و خواب میں گم
کہ عکس آب ہو جیسے حد سراب میں گم

سکوت شام الم کا وجود جاری ہے
نگار وقت کے چہرے پہ کرب طاری ہے

نہ جانے کونسی بستی میں آگیا ہوں میں

اطہر زیدی-


This beautiful poem explores themes of longing, alienation, and the search for meaning in a foreign land. Let’s delve deeper into its meaning and symbolism:


Title: “In a Foreign Land”

نظم : اجنبی دیار میں

Stanza 1:

حیات رنگ جزیروں کو چھوڑ کر اے دوست

نہ جانے کونسی بستی میں آ گیا ہوں میں


Leaving behind the colorful islands of life, O friend,

I have arrived in an unknown settlement.

In these lines, the poet expresses the idea of leaving behind familiar and vibrant experiences (represented by “colorful islands of life”) and entering a new, unfamiliar place (“unknown settlement”). This can be seen as a metaphor for a personal journey or transition where one leaves behind comfort and familiarity to seek new experiences, growth, or perhaps even a spiritual quest.

Stanza 2:

ںہ دلبروں کی ادائیں نہ التفات جمال

نہ اختیار تبسم نہ اعتبار خیال

نہیں قریب کوئی دور بھی نہیں کوئی

عیاں نہیں ہے تو مستور بھی نہیں کوئی


No longer the charm of beloveds, nor the allure of beauty,

No control over smiles, no trust in thoughts.

Neither is anyone near, nor is anyone distant,

Neither open, nor veiled, is anyone.

These verses capture a sense of detachment and disconnection. The poet feels estranged from the beauty and charm that once captivated them. The loss of control over smiles and the lack of trust in thoughts might signify a state of emotional distance or disillusionment. The repetition of “neither… nor…” emphasizes the absence of meaningful connections or relationships in the new environment. This stanza reflects a feeling of isolation and a search for authenticity amidst superficiality.

Stanza 3:

شعور عرض تمنا خیال و خواب میں گم

کہ عکس آب ہو جیسے حد سراب میں گم


Consciousness, expression, desire, thoughts, and dreams, all lost,

Like a reflection in water, lost in the expanse of a mirage.

This stanza suggests a deep sense of bewilderment and loss. The poet feels disconnected from their inner self and the realm of emotions, desires, and dreams. The comparison to a reflection in water and a mirage implies a sense of illusory existence or a lack of tangible substance. It could reflect a state of confusion or a struggle to find a clear sense of identity and purpose in the foreign environment.

Stanza 4:

سکوت شام الم کا وجود جاری ہے

نگار وقت کے چہرے پہ کرب طاری ہے


The silence of a dark night persists,

Sorrow reigns upon the face of time.

In the final stanza, the poet describes an atmosphere of silence and darkness, suggesting a sense of stillness and contemplation. The phrase “sorrow reigns upon the face of time” can be interpreted as a reflection on the passage of time and the weight of experiences, suggesting a melancholic or reflective mood.

Overall, “In a Foreign Land” portrays a journey of emotional and spiritual exploration in an unfamiliar setting. The poet grapples with feelings of detachment, isolation, and the search for meaning amidst the challenges of adapting to new surroundings. The imagery and metaphors used in the poem create a sense of depth and complexity, inviting readers to contemplate the themes of identity, connection, and the pursuit of authenticity.