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A Beautiful couplet

سنو رخت سفر میں ذہن کی یکسوئ بھی رکھنا
کہ اچھےخاصے رہبر بھی بھٹک جاتے ہیں رستے می

اطہر زیدی-


This couplet carries a profound meaning that can be analyzed on multiple levels. Let’s break down the couplet and explore its different dimensions:

سنو رخت سفر میں ذہن کی یکسوئ بھی رکھنا

“Listen, keep a steady focus in the journey of life.”

کہ اچھے خاصے رہبر بھی بھٹک جاتے ہیں رستے میں

“For even the best and most special guides sometimes lose their way.”


  1. Metaphorical Interpretation:

The couplet uses the metaphor of a journey to symbolize life. The “journey of life” refers to the experiences, challenges, and transitions that individuals go through. “Keep a steady focus in the journey of life” suggests that maintaining a clear and unwavering mindset is crucial while navigating life’s path. Just as a traveler needs to be attentive to the direction they are headed, individuals must remain focused on their goals and aspirations.

The second line, “For even the best and most special guides sometimes lose their way,” highlights the unpredictability of life. No matter how skilled or knowledgeable someone may be, there are moments when even the most capable individuals can face uncertainty or challenges. This serves as a reminder that setbacks and detours are a natural part of the journey, and even the most competent individuals can encounter difficulties.

  1. Philosophical Perspective:

From a philosophical standpoint, the couplet reflects the impermanence and unpredictability of human existence. It emphasizes the importance of humility and acceptance in the face of uncertainty. Despite our best efforts and intentions, we may encounter obstacles or situations that divert us from our intended path. This message encourages individuals to approach life with an open mind and adaptability.

  1. Social and Psychological Implications:

The couplet also touches on the concept of guidance and leadership. It suggests that even those who are considered wise or authoritative figures can sometimes face challenges and uncertainties. This perspective can be applied to various contexts, including leadership roles, mentorship, and personal relationships. It reminds us not to place unrealistic expectations on individuals and to recognize that everyone is susceptible to making mistakes or facing difficulties.

In conclusion, this couplet encapsulates a profound and timeless message about the nature of life’s journey. It encourages individuals to stay focused and resilient while acknowledging the inherent unpredictability of existence. It’s a reminder to approach life with humility, adaptability, and an understanding that challenges are a part of the human experience.